Blog Stats Is an Interpolation of What?

When looking at the diagram of `Dashboard à Blog Stats` in my WordPress, I can’t stop wondering about this curve – it must be an interpolation of some function. How could this function look like? What would be other arguments of this function except for the date (what are factors that affect the value of this function)? Can anybody define it precisely? Or not so precisely?

Published in: on Thursday, January 10, 2008 at 2:43 pm  Comments (7)  
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7 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. There is no function. Just drawed line from statistical data.

  2. Of course, it is not a `real` function yet. But, I guess, it could be an interpolation of a real function instead 😉

  3. Yeah, but by “function” you mean somethin that is understandable by some fixed formula and that means predictable path of the line. But statistics are generated quite randomly, so each time to put next point, formula is changed. Is there a dynamic function?

  4. Well, `random` is a function too.. For example, the `rand()` function in C++..

  5. OK, my fault. Statistics are from “unexpected” data. Let’s think every number what comes up your mind, try to predict or create, even in process of randomising is actually expected. So, you can create formula from this generated blob of data, with random. But you actually can’t create formula, to represent the “unique flow of statistic” as it is. You could create formula to show your expectations, but all this will be inside your limits of expected data, however, statistics is off limits 🙂 You could one day see 1M visits and one day 0 visits.

  6. Yes, it is, of course, so in real life. But we could actually discard all non-essential details and focus on important ones. So, what are factors that influence the value of this `function` at some particual day? Is it the amount of new articles in the previous day? Or is it the amount of my comments in othr blogs? Or just my visits in other blogs? Or something more? In general, we can separate some most important factors and try to make a function with these factors being the argumnents.. And we could hope then our function will `interpolate` those stats at some level.. Something like that..

  7. See also nice dashboard here:

    (.Net Dashboard Suite)

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